In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people choosing cosmetic surgeries. There are several reasons for this. Some experts suggest the rise in programmes featuring plastic surgery has had an impact.  The reasons why someone chooses to have plastic surgery aren’t critical. What is, is that they achieve the results they were hoping for.

They have a better chance of doing just that if they choose their Plastic Surgeon wisely. Ideally, this should be one who specialises in the procedures they’re interested in. Mr Irfan Khan, for example, performs plastic surgery at Renacres Hospital, Ormskirk, Lancashire, and is qualified to perform breast augmentations and eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). These are two of the most sought after cosmetic procedures.

Skills and Experience

How long a surgeon has been practising matters. For instance, the more surgeries they’ve completed, the more skills they will have and the better the results will be. Mr Irfan Khan, for example, has been carrying out cosmetic surgeries for over twenty years. People should also look at how surgeons maintain their skills, looking at whether they take advantage of opportunities for further training.

Professional registrations are also important. Those looking into plastic surgery should check their surgeon has a Specialist FRCS in Plastic Surgery. Moreover, are they members of professional bodies such as the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and the General Medical Council? Those looking at rhinoplasty should check their consultant is a member of the British Society of Rhinoplasty Surgeons.

Plastic Surgery At Renacres Hospital, Ormskirk, Lancashire

Choosing the right hospital is important too. Surgeons carrying out plastic surgery at Renacres Hospital, Ormskirk, Lancashire, for example, are all members of BAAPS. To find out more about what they can offer and book a consultation with Mr Khan today on 01704 841133.