

Gynaecomastia is the medical term for male breast reduction surgery, a common procedure carried out by Mr Khan and his experienced and knowledgeable team.

Male plastic surgery is becoming more common as men recognise enhancing and improving their self-image and body is a more than acceptable practice.

Male breast reduction surgery is designed to remove and minimise excess breast tissue for men.

Reasons for Gynaecomastia

Some men have enlarged breasts on one or both sides of their chest and this can be embarrassing and cause body and image problems.

Most men look to achieve a firmer, more masculine chest and this can be achieved with male breast reduction surgery. Factors such as age and some prescribed medication can cause breast enlargement in men and in puberty it is common to experience some growth which usually settles.

Most men looking for reduction surgery are older, as muscles loosen and fatty deposits often grow. What’s more, male breast reduction surgery is suitable for men who may have lost significant weight but have sagging and hanging skin across the chest. In all instances gynaecomastia helps to enhance and restore confidence and comfort in one’s own body.

Procedures used by Mr Khan

Mr Khan corrects gynaecomastia using liposuction alone or in combination with open reduction techniques which could result in a crescent shaped scar or a circum-areolar scar or anchor shaped scar or a single horizontal scar in large breast with loose skin. At the time of examination these techniques and options will be discussed with patient and before and after photographs shown.

Male Breast Reduction Procedure

Male breast reduction involves the removal of excess tissue, skin and fat around the breast area. Male breast tissue is made up of glandular and fatty tissues, both of which can be removed if necessary.

The proportion of glandular to fatty tissues varies from men to men, but there is often an excess of both where men have enlarged breasts. Dependent on the individual patient, liposuction may be used to carry out the procedure or surgical incision may be necessary.

This differs on a case by case basis but where a large amount of tissue needs to be removed surgery is almost always necessary. This procedure may leave scarring, but this is always disguised as much as possible.

Gynaecomastia Recovery and Aftercare

Most men will require some recovery time in hospital, not usually overnight. Recovery time off work is also required. Bandages will be applied to the chest to support it properly after the operation and patients may need to wear an elasticated pressure bandage for up to two weeks.

At least one week off work should be arranged and strenuous exercise should be avoided for around three weeks. Patients should expect to be back to their normal day to day activities after about six weeks, but this will be discussed on an individual basis.

Booking an Appointment with Mr Khan

Booking a consultation appointment with Mr Khan allows patients to discuss their options in advance. Get in touch via the contact page where you can discuss your individual circumstances in more depth.

To make an appointment please contact any of the following hospitals:

The Beaumont Hospital, Bolton

Thursday evenings at BMI Beaumont hospital in Bolton.

Please telephone:

01204 404 404

Spire Liverpool Hospital

Friday evening at Spire Liverpool Hospital.

Please telephone:

08444 990 617
0151 7337 123

Aset Hospital

Wednesday evenings from 5.30pm at Aset Hospital in Prescot.

Please telephone:

0151 426 4777

Renacres Hospital, Ormskirk

Every Thursday

Please telephone:

01704 841133

Procedures - Mr Irfan Khan


To book a consultation with Mr Irfan Khan please enquire here for more information