Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery is growing in popularity as an effective way of combatting the ageing process. Delivering cosmetic and plastic surgery clinics across the North West, Consultant Plastic Surgeon Mr Irfan Khan offers eyelid lift in Bolton amongst many other procedures. Patients considering eyelid lift in Bolton and across the North West can read through this resource to gain a better understanding of the procedure and possible results.

What is Eyelid Lift Surgery?

Eyelid lift surgery involves altering the shape of the eyelids. It can be carried out on both the upper and lower lids dependent on the patient. Some patients may only need or want one particular lid altering.

Upper eyelid reduction can help to improve vision for some patients as well as create a renewed sense of youthfulness. Similarly, a lower eyelid reduction can help to reduce wrinkles and puffiness around the eye. These are yet further ways of minimising or reversing the ageing process.

Eyelid Surgery Procedure

Eyelid lift surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. Before any dates or surgical appointments are made, each patient has a full consultation to discuss their needs. This is also a chance for the doctor to fully explain the procedure. You can talk through potential side effects and the procedure itself to have a full understanding. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to talk through aftercare and how long recovery may take.

Eyelid surgery involves removing excess skin and fat from around the eye. Fatty deposits that build up in the form of eye bags can be removed and skin can be smoothed out to remove wrinkles and sagging.

When arranging eyelid lift in Bolton or the local North West hospital, patients should prepare for day visit in hospital. Most surgeries are day cases, with the procedure taking a maximum of 2-3 hours. A little bruising and slight discomfort should be all most patients experience in terms of pain. Some bruising and swelling are normal too and Mr Khan ensures all his patients are aware of the recovery time and aftercare necessary.

Many patients opt to combine eyelid lift surgery with other cosmetic procedures. Mr Khan provides a wide range of surgeries and patients can discuss a range of procedures at their consultation. With a professional and experienced team working with him, Mr Khan helps all of his patients decide on the right procedures for their circumstances.

Arranging Eyelid Lift in Bolton

Mr Khan runs weekly clinics at BMI Beaumont Hospital in Bolton. These clinics run every Thursday evening and new patients are welcome to attend. Telephone  01204 404 404 directly.